September Special Issue


Welcome to the Spring Special issue of The Australian National Bowling & Lifestyle Magazine featuring the beautiful Sapphire Valley & Peel Region. We are now a fully digital/online publication with a huge readership & free subscriptions! Make sure you head on over to our Facebook & Instagram pages and give us a like/follow, amazing opportunities for prizes and giveaways to be won. A huge thank you to Catherine Colusso on your fabulous articles & interviews, you make our magazine was it is today. I’d like to thank all the clubs, bowlers & business’s that have sent in your stories, events & articles we really appreciate your input. We love hearing what’s happening, keep them coming! A special thank you to our wonderful contributors that make our magazine what it is today; to name a few: Bowls Australia, Les Taylor, Catherine Colusso, Henselite Bowls, Bernie Fletcher and all our wonderful adve Thank you for reading, we appreciate you all. From the whole team here at Bowling & Lifestyle magazine! Until October…


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